The AI Server Provider
1 Why U.S. AI Server /为何是美国服务器
  • Policy needs to be legislated /政策需经立法

  • Comprehensive advantages of electricity bills /电费综合优势

  • Complete AI Server infrastructure /AI服务器基础设施完善

  • Sufficient comprehensive power supply /综合供电足够

  • Perfect law /法律完善

  • Sufficient talents at all levels /各级人才充足

  • Related management team for more than 5 years of AI Server /5年以上相关管理团队

2 U.S. multi-state aggregation venue /美国多州聚合场地
  • A total of 500Mw carrying capacity. /总共500Mw 承载能力。

  • Combining with Wisconsin, Alabama, and North Carolina to provide sufficient power, so that the server owner has the advantage of sufficient backup power and uninterrupted power.

  • 结合美国威斯康辛、阿拉巴马、北卡3州电网提供足够的电力,让服务器主有足够备载电源以及不断电的优势。

3 Power introduction /电源介绍
3 Venue introduction /场地介绍